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Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

19 August 2009

Teknologi dan Inovasi

Teknologi dan Inovasi

Sampai saat ini penerapan teknologi dan inovasi masih perlu ditingkatkan. Bukan hanya di bidang teknologi tinggi, tetapi juga teknologi tepat guna.

"Kita harus lebih memperhatikan kegiatan research and development (R&D). Pada intinya bangsa ini membutuhkan banyak sekali perbaikan kemampuan teknologi dan inovasi," kata Rachmat Gobel, Direktur Utama PT Gobel International, dalam orasi ilmiah di Gedung Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi Jakarta (BPPT), Rabu (19/8).

Dalam kesempatan itu, Wakil Ketua Kadin Bidang Perindustrian, Riset dan Teknologi dianugerahi Gelar Perekayasa Utama Kehormatan oleh BPPT.

"Penghargaan ini dimaksudkan untuk mengapresiasi dan memotivasi perekayasa untuk bisa terus berkarya. Dikenal masyarakat luas dan di bidang perekayasa yang telah ditunjukkan dengan produknya. Tahun 2009 ini kita memilih Rachmat Gobel," ungkap Marzan Aziz Iskandar, Ketua BPPT.

Dalam orasi ilmiahnya, Rachmat mengangkat tema "Technovation: Meningkatkan Daya Saing Industri Nasional menuju Era Knowledge Based Competition".

"Technovation adalah upaya secara berkelanjutan dalam melakukan inovasi teknologi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan teknologi dan metoda kerja ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi, agar produk yang dihasilkan memberi nilai tambah yang tinggi bagi konsumen, agar produk yang dihasilkan selalu daya-saing," katanya, yang sejak 2008 menjadi komisaris di PT Indosat Tbk.

Menurutnya, technovation ini juga mengandung unsur kaizen, yakni upaya menyempurnakan pekerjaan yang menjadi tanggung jawab kita demi untuk sebuah kemajuan. "Dan inilah antara lain masalah besar yang dihadapi bangsa kita, yaitu kurang menuntut diri melakukan perbaikan dalam proses atau produksi," tutur Rachmat.

Kemudian ia memberi contoh teknologi produksi tempe. Kita mungkin adalah produsen tempe terbesar di dunia. Dan kebutuhan masyarakat juga besar. "Namun kita lihat, sampai saat ini boleh dikatakan tidak ada perubahan teknologi atau inovasi yang signifikan dalam proses pembuatannya," paparnya.

Untuk itu, lanjutnya, ia memikirkan ke depan perlunya menciptakan iklim yang kondusif bagi pengembangan teknologi, transfer teknologi, inovasi di sektor industri. "Kita perlu segera melakukan restrukturisasi dan reorientasi kebijakan pengembangan industri nasional agar lebih terarah sesuai dengan tuntutan persaingan usaha," harapnya.


12 August 2009

Kenaikan jumlah penduduk didunia yang bukan sekedar wow, tapi..... WOW!!!

Imagine This!!

The world's population is forecast to hit 7 billion in 2011, the vast majority of its growth coming in developing and, in many cases, the poorest nations, a report released Wednesday said.
Riders cram into a train last month in New Delhi, India. India's population is expected to be 1.7 billion by 2050.

Riders cram into a train last month in New Delhi, India. India's population is expected to be 1.7 billion by 2050.

A staggering 97 percent of global growth over the next 40 years will happen in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, according to the Population Reference Bureau's 2009 World Population Data Sheet.

"The great bulk of today's 1.2 billion youth -- nearly 90 percent -- are in developing countries," said Carl Haub, a co-author of the report. Eight in 10 of those youth live in Africa and Asia.

"During the next few decades, these young people will most likely continue the current trend of moving from rural areas to cities in search of education and training opportunities, gainful employment, and adequate health care," Haub continued, calling it one of the major social questions of the next few decades.

In the developed world, the United States and Canada will account for most of the growth -- half from immigration and half from a natural increase in the population -- births minus deaths, according to the report.

High fertility rates and a young population base in the developing world will fuel most of the growth, especially in Africa, where women often give birth to six or seven children over a lifetime, the report says. The number is about two in the United States and 1.5 in Canada.

A stark contrast can be drawn between Uganda and Canada, which currently have about 34 million and 31 million residents, respectively. By 2050, Canada's population is projected to be 42 million, while Uganda's is expected to soar to 96 million, more than tripling.

"Even with declining fertility rates in many countries, world population is still growing at a rapid rate," said Bill Butz, president of the bureau. "The increase from 6 billion to 7 billion is likely to take 12 years, as did the increase from 5 billion to 6 billion. Both events are unprecedented in world history."

By 2050, India is projected to be the world's most populous nation at 1.7 billion, overtaking current leader China, which is forecast to hit 1.4 billion. The United States is expected to reach 439 million for No. 3 on the list.

taken from CNN 13-08-09

30 July 2009

bun and butter pudding, yummi!!!!

bun and butter pudding

Bun and butter pudding


• 600ml semi-skimmed milk
• 600ml double cream
• 1 vanilla pod
• 4 medium eggs, preferably free-range or organic
• 170g caster sugar
• 6 Taste the Difference hot cross buns, sliced in half and spread with a knob of butter
• 3 tablespoons cognac
a handful of dried apricots, chopped
• zest of 1 orange
• a little icing sugar

dessert recipes | serves 6

Preheat the over to 170°C/325°F/gas 3. For the custard base, bring the milk and cream just to the boil in a saucepan. Cut the vanilla pod in half, scrape out the seeds and add to the pan. Whisk the eggs with the sugar until pale, then whisk in the milk and cream mixture, removing the vanilla pod shell.

Dip the hot cross bun halves in the mixture, then place in an ovenproof dish. Drizzle over the cognac and sprinkle over the apricots and the orange zest. Sieve the custard over, and leave it all to soak for at least 15 minutes.

Place the dish in a roasting tin, half-fill the tin with hot water, then bake the pudding for about 45 minutes. When cooked it will have a slight crust on top but will still be slightly wobbly inside. Dust with the icing sugar and serve.

taken from jamie oliver

29 July 2009

katanya sih begini nih orang batak.. but, who knows??

Yesus Memberi Makan 5000 orang
Angkot Bandung

Ayat-ayat Cinta



Lapo Baru, Amanta Marende-ende, Inang-inang tu hauma

Perlengkapan Ina-ina lao tu pesta

Sepakbola Batak

Suasana Sidang di Pengadilan Batak

Arti Warna pada Simbol Pita

Arti Warna pada Simbol Pita dan bentuk kepedulian kita

Beberapa waktu yang lalu ramai penggunaan simbol pita merah yang disematkan di dada sebagai bukti kepedulian terhadap ODHA (Orang Dengan HIV dan AIDS). Berlanjut dengan penggunaan pita pink sebagai bentuk kepedulian terhadap kanker payudara. Dan sekarang ini nih di USA sono lagi demen ama pita kuning sebagai dukungan terhadap prajurit mereka yang ditugaskan di Irak dan medan tempur lainnya. Pita kuning tersebut biasanya bertuliskan Save Our Troops dan bahkan beberapa orang memberikan dukungan nya dengan cara mengikatkan pita kuning di pohon di sekitar rumah mereka. Banyak cerita seputar penggunaan pita-pita tersebut dan warna-warna yang berbeda dari setiap pita mewakili maksud tertentu.

Banyak dari nama penyakit dan singkatan di bawah ini tidak diterjemahkan. Dikarenakan tidak terdapatnya padanan yang cocok dalam bahasa Indonesia atau merupakan singkatan yang tidak dapat di artikan secara harafiah. Silakan tanya pada Mr. G untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut sekalian menambah perbendaharaan bahasa kita.

Kenakanlah pita dan katakan bahwa KITA PEDULI.


Berikut warna pita dan artinya :

  • Pita Merah Jambu (Pink Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap kanker payudara, kelahiran usia lanjut, kanker pada anak-anak (alternative : light blue ribbon)
  • Pita Kuning (Yellow Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap para tentara (MIA/POW), pencegahan bunuh diri, orangtua adopsi, anak hilang (amber alert), kanker kandung kemih, sumbing tulang belakang (spina bifida), endometriosis, sarcoma, kepala membesar (hydrocephalus/hydrocephaly), penyakit dan kanker hati, dan symbol umum untuk pengharapan.
  • Pita Kuning Muda (Pale Yellow Ribbon :
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap
    sumbing tulang belakang (spina bifida)
  • Pita Merah (Red Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap
    pencegahan HIV/AIDS, penyakit hati, stroke, substance abuse (penyalahgunaan obat), MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), DARE ((Drug Abuse Resistance Education), Epidermolysis Bullosa, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Wolff-Parkinson -White Syndrome (WPW), dan secara umum melambangkan cinta (love)
  • Pita Burgundi (Burgundy Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap brain aneurysm, operasi Cesar (Cesarean section – worn upside down), sakit kepala (headaches and migraines), hemangioma, vascular malformation, hospice care, multiple myeloma, William’s syndrome, Thrombophilia, Antiphospholid Antibody Syndrome, dan adults with disabilities
  • Pita Ungu (Purple Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap kanker pankreas/getah bening, KDRT (domestic violence), ADD, ADHD, alzheimer’s, toleransi beragama, kekerasan terhadap binatang (animal abuse), korban 9/11 (termasuk polisi dan pemadam kebakaran), Crohn’s disease and colitis, cystic fibrosis, macular degeneration, Sjogren’s Syndrome, lupus, leimyosarcoma, dan fibromyalgia. Dan simbol ini secara umum juga digunakan orang yang telah terbebas dari penyakit kanker.
  • Pita Lavender (Lavender Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap penyakit kanker, epilepsi,
    gangguan fungsi motorik (rett syndrome), dan perhatian terhadap remaja (foster care)
  • Pita Periwinkle (Periwinkle Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap kelainan pola makan (eating disorders),
    tekanan darah tinggi pada pembuluh darah paru, yang mengakibatkan gagal jantung dan kematian dini (pulmonary hypertension), kanker perut, GERD, IBS
  • Pita Biru (Blue Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap mabuk saat mengemudi, kekerasan anak, Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI), korban badai Katrina, dystonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), alopecia, pendidikan, Epstein-Barr Virus, Save the Music, kanker usus besar (alternative ribbon color : brown), anti rokok dan perokok pasif (anti-tobacco – particularly anti-second hand smoke), dan I Love Clean Air/ILCA Campaign (Japan)
  • Pita Biru Laut (Dark Blue Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap radang sendi (arthritis), hystiocytosis , pencegahan kekerasan pada anak (child abuse prevention), hak-hak korban kejahatan (crime victim’s rights), Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), interstitial cystitis, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Reyes Syndrome, education, short bowel syndrome, Myositis, Leukodystrophy, Hurricane Support, police officers lost in the line of duty (AKA, the Thin Blue Line), kebebasan berpendapat (free speech), kualitas air (water quality) dan keselamatan di perairan (water safety – flooding, drowning and accidents)
  • Pita Biru Muda (Light Blue Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap kanker pada anak (alternative color: pink), kanker prostat, Trisomy 18, dan pengerasan kulit (scleroderma).
  • Pita Teal (Teal Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap ovarian, cervical, and uterine (all gynecological) cancers, substance abuse, sexual assault, Myasthenia Gravis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, dan korban tsunami.
  • Pita Hijau (Green Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap depresi (both adults and children), anak hilang (missing children), open records for adoptees, kepedulian lingkungan (environmental concerns), kanker dan penyakit ginjal (kidney cancer and disease), tissue/organ donation, bipolar disorder, mental health or illness, eye injuries, Tourette’s Syndrome, bone marrow transplants and donation, glaucoma, leukemia, environment, neural tube defects, Mitochondrial Disease, growth and rebuilding, Cerebral Palsy, dan keselamatan kerja dan mengemudi (worker and driving safety)
  • Pita Jingga (Orange Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap kelaparan, leukemia, cultural diversity and racial tolerance, feral cats, motorcyclist safety, Multiple Sclerosis -wristband only, self injury, dan Agent Orange exposure.
  • Pita Pearl (Pearl Ribbon):
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap emphysema, lung cancer, mesothelioma, dan multiple sclerosis (
    penyakit system syaraf pusat)
  • Pita Hitam (Black Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap perkabungan (mourning), (kanker kulit) melanoma, anti-gangs, anti teroris (di Spanyol), POW-MIAs, dan dukungan terhadap masyarakat Amish (Amish support)
  • Pita Coklat (Brown Ribbon):
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap anti rokok (anti-tobacco) dan colon cancer (alternative ribbon color: blue), serta colorectal cancer (alternative ribbon color: blue)
  • Pita Abu-abu (Grey Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap diabetes, asthma, allergies , dan kanker otak (brain cancer)
  • Pita Perak (Silver Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap children with disabilities, Parkinson’s disease, elderly abuse, any diseases or disorders of the brain including strokes, dan penyakit jiwa (mental illnesses such as severe depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and anxiety disorders).
  • Pita Emas (Gold Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap kanker pada anak (childhood cancer)
  • Pita Puzzle Berwarna (Jigsaw Puzzle Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap penderita autis (autism)
  • Pita Berenda (Lace Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap osteoporosis
  • Pita Hijau Limau (Lime Green Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Lymphoma, Lyme Disease, Muscular Dystrophy-wristband only, dan Sandhoff Disease
  • Pita Peach (Peach Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Uterine Cancer, Endometrial Cancer
  • Pita Hijau Muda (Light Green Ribbon)
    i/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Pelvic Pain (chronic), Celiac Disease
  • Pita Polos/Putih (Clear Ribbon)
    Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap keadilan (innocence), korban teroris (victims of terrorism), kedamaian (peace), hak hidup (right to life), kanker dan penyakit tulang (bone cancer and disease), diabetes, sexual assault of students, retinal blastoma, alzheimers, adoption, bone disease and bone cancer, anti-child pornography on the internet diabetes, sexual assault of students, retinal blastoma, alzheimers, adoption, dan anti-child pornography on the internet.

Selain warna-warna tunggal di atas juga terdapat beberapa kombinasi warna yang dapat di artikan sebagai :

Pink and Blue Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap kelahiran premature, kehamilan dan kematian bayi, kanker payudara pria.
Red and WhiteRibbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Head and neck cancer, aplastic anemia
Red and Yellow Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Hepatitis C
Red, White and Blue Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Patriotism, 9/11 victims
Red and Blue with a Heart Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Congenital Heart Defects (also red,blue and red stripes)
Blue And Yellow Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Down Syndrome, designated drivers (The Hero Campaign)
Purple Ribbon with a Red rose Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Cystic Fibrosis
Purple And Green Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Hospice And Pallative Care
Purple And Blue Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Pediatric Stroke
Purple and Yellow Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Chemical Injury (any chemical related boo boos)
Orchid and Orange Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap psoriasis
Lime Green and Aqua Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap adult stem cell donor
Teal And Pink Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Hereditary Breast Cancer or a combo ribbon for gynecological and breast cancers
Black and
Pink Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Bone Marrow Donor, loss of a daughter
Black and
Lt. Blue Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Loss of a son
Black and White Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Carcinoid Syndrome Cancer (zebra stripes) and anti-racism
Black White And Black (three stripes) Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Vaccine danger
Gold and Black Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Platelett donor
Burgundy and Ivory Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Oral head and neck cancer
Yellow, Lime Green, Orange, Aqua, Hot Pink Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow Ribbon Arti/dukungan/perhatian terhadap STD awareness.

udah tau kamu pita yang mana??

02 June 2009

thank GOD for every each day

How Great is Your Love

by Mark Altrogge

No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
No mind has ever conceived
The glorious things that You have prepared
For everyone who has believed
You brought us near and You called us Your own
And made us joint heirs with Your Son.

How high and how wide,
How deep and how long,
How sweet and how strong is Your love.
How lavish Your grace,
How faithful Your ways,
How great is Your love, oh Lord.

Objects of mercy who should have known wrath
We’re filled with unspeakable joy.
Riches of wisdom, unsearchable wealth,
And the wonder of knowing Your voice.
You are our treasure and our great reward,
Our hope and our glorious King.

20 May 2009

crm and personalization

Teacher : Do you know CRM?

Student A : Me!!! CRM is Cant Really Measure!!

Teacher : Next..

Student B : Cocktail Rum Martini!!

Teacher : hhmmm.. sounds interesting, but TOTALLY WRONG!!

Ok, CRM is Customer Relationship Management. It is an approach to building and sustaining long-term business with customer. Anybody can give any example?

Student C : Is it when we maintain the relationship with customer sir?

Teacher : Right. Anyone else?

Student D : Finding new customer!!

Teacher : Nice try.. Let me tell you a small part of CRM….

It is important for everyone to retain the customer and also finding the new one. It is cheaper to maintain it then looking for new customer. A company has to keep their current customer; make them satisfy with the product and services, create the loyalty, and bring them to re-purchase. As a customer we must be very pleased to get direct mail from the company. For example, when we get birthday wishes from the company, greetings in any special moments; that really takes our heart to a deep appreciation. People will talk about it and coincidently promoting the brand. But at the other side some people might disturb by the personalization; get unimportant email during your work?? Sounds very annoying right..

customer use of the internet in shopping

Can u find the different?

1. Want to buy something..

Check online – compare the price – don’t buy from the internet, its expensive, and have to pay more for the dialup… oh gosh!! Wasting time and money!! Just go to the shopping center..

Things to checked :

- do your hair as high as you can; put some makeup

- the list (buy only the important one!!)

- Wallet!!! Lets check…ok, money… done!!

Lets go!!!

2. Want to buy something..

Check on the website and compare to the real store (the fabric, the color); must see the sample. Which one is giving the lowest price? Then grab the cheaper one.

3. Want to buy something..

Just turn on the laptop, browsing.. click here..click there.. you can directly buy online, pay by your credit card, and ‘voila’ they deliver it to your door. Wow, no transportation cost and didn’t waste my time..

Answer : sti lla tuoba eht emit

well, i did put some picture here, but why it cant be publish?? hufff..